Saturday, June 18, 2011

To Nook or not to Nook....

So, I've finally decided to get myself an e-reader.

Now I just have to decide which kind to get.

If any of you can make a recommendation, I'd greatly appreciate it.

The Kindle

The Nook

The Nook Color


and finally 


Thursday, June 16, 2011

Searching for a job....

So, I've decided to search for a part time job.
I need to get out of the house now and then. Lately I find myself on the computer
doing my review blog almost non stop when the kids aren't home.
That can't be good!!

I figure that I want to get out of the house and I can make some extra money at the same time.

I'm thinking about looking for a server position.
I've always liked the idea of working a few hours and making alot of money.
In the past, I've always been able to make really good tips.

I find it easy to get along with people,
and most weeks my earnings for part time work were more than I'd have made at a different
job working full time.

I've just finished updating my resume and 
I'm about to go turn them in at the local restaurants.

I figure that maybe if I have some outside priorities I won't get caught up on the computer
every minute of the day that my kids are gone. And now that it is summer...
those add up to a whole lot of minutes.
Not good.

So wish me luck, maybe soon I'll be $oaking up the ca$h :)


Sunday, June 12, 2011

Pulling my hair out....

I'm so busy that I don't know whether I am coming or going.

My giveaway blog is keeping me overloaded with reviews and giveaways.
I'm on a first name basis with the UPS guy, the FedEx guy and the mailman. Each day
they are dropping me off numerous packages. Sometimes they come more than once. Don't
get me wrong...I love all the free things that I get, but I can't keep up.

And...summer just started. My kids are out of school and there are so many fun things on our to do list.
First on the list, I'm having a Velveeta House Party this Saturday.
At first, I figured I'd just invited like ten or fifteen people. And now the list has gotten so long that I ]
don't know where I'm going to fit or feed all of our guests.
I'm actually really excited. I have people coming from all over the state. Old friends that I haven't
seen in years. And the best part (almost!) is that all the food is free.
Yep free. Velvetta has sent me so much food and gift certificates, that we can feed an army.
Now if only I had a bigger house.

The two things that are already seriously slacking are:
my other blogs (like this one!!)
and my reading. I love to read. I absolutely love to read. 
Well, I haven't picked up a book in over a week. Well over a week!!! :(
And normally I would have finished three to four or more books in the past week.

I've never had to schedule reading and blogging into my calendar.
But by the looks of it...I do now.

So to all of you...
I hope all of you are doing great and are enjoying your summer so far.
And I can't really promise how often I will post here.
Since this is my favorite blog to post in, I miss it and all of you.
I'm going to try and catch up with everyone tonight and tomorrow, and then it's back to party planning.

Wish me luck with my first house party (with sponsors!!)

Have a great upcoming week, everyone.

P.S. A big thanks to Barb over at 'This and That (as I bounce thru life!)'

for giving me a shout out for having her new blog button on my sidebar.
Silly me, didn't even know she was going to be looking for them.

can be found here.
(for some reason I can't get it to link to the button itself!!)

P.S.S. It was really cool to see my blog mentioned on one of my two favorite blogs.
