Monday, May 30, 2011

When you get lemons....

I know, I know...I'm suppose to make lemonade...

But I've always just stuffed the dam lemons in my bra.
You know, kill two birds with one stone, and all that.
My mom (not well endowed, and so neither am I) taught me that one!!
The sad part is if you take my bra and put a lemon in it, it's a perfect fit :(

Seriously though, I've been handed so many lemons lately, that I'm drowning in the dam juice.
The sour, sour juice. Where's the sugar??

Now I'm not usually one to complain...
who am I kidding??? I always complain :)
It's more one listens!!

So some of you may be wondering where I have been!!
Here's the cake topper..

No...I didn't get married!!!
I'd of invited you all.

I was in jail.
Yes, for real!!
Little ol' me was locked behind bars for 30 days.
25 with good time.

Yes, that good time is real.
You know what else is real??
When they tell you to get your kids to school....or else??
The or real!!
I'm living proof.

I don't care, if the one in question ran away, and you're having a hard enough time
just making it through the'd better make sure that that runaway is at least 
going to school. (Yeah, I know...kind of impossible!!) If I knew where my kid was,
he wouldn't be a run-away....right??

Not in the eyes of the COURT!!
And let me tell you, JAIL IS NO FUN!

The food sucks!!
Let me tell you....if I'd been handed a tray like this one....I'd have been one happy camper jailee.
The beans in the photo above, look like just about every meal we  ate were served.
I barely ate! I lost 15 pounds.

OK, OK enough of all that.
Now that I'm back home with my kids, they have put my run away son in juvenile detention.
Yep, now that they figure Mommy has learned her lesson, it's time to put the real culprit behind bars.

Ok, so now that my conscience is clear.
And everyone knows that I wasn't in Arizona.... :)
(That's where my little kiddos think I was!!)
I can get back to blogging as usual.

This is a perfect example of how karma roxx!!


Friday, May 27, 2011

1. Do you apologize to your kids?

Absolutely. If I'm in the wrong, I always apologize. 

2. What color are your nails right now?

clear...I never paint my nails!! I've been wanting to get a cute style manicure.

3. When you were growing up, how difficult was it for you to stay home from school sick? (As in, did you have to vomit or just say "I don't feel good".)

I had to be good and sick. I had to either have spots all over or have vomited. My kids these days are always trying to get by with saying they have a tummy ache. I don't let that one fly.

4. When is the last time you bought a new comforter for your bed?

About six months ago. I have a very comfy down one right now.

5. Favorite website(s)?

facebook, other blogs, twitter


Monday, May 23, 2011

Free Cars 2 movie tickets...

You can earn free tickets to see Cars 2 with purchase of Rayovac batteries.

Less than 40 days till the Cars 2 premiere! Look for specially marked Rayovac Battery packs to see Cars 2 for FREE!
“The ongoing partnership between Rayovac and Disney underscores both company’s passion for powering fun,” said Kent Klagos, Division Vice President, Rayovac Marketing.  “We’re excited to expand our partnership with this world class organization and offer our customers unique opportunities to experience the magic of Disney.” 

Meet Me on Monday....

Meet Me On Monday

Click here to join!!

1.  What is your favorite bagel flavor?

Blueberry :)

2.  If you had an extra $100 right now, what would you spend it on?

7 New shirts from

Here are two of the ones I would choose!!

Black Sequin TopAqua Green Beaded Top

3.  What is the last thing that you felt guilt about doing?

Not finishing paying my son's juvie fees,
it resulted in me sitting 30 days in the county jail.
I felt so guilty not being with my children.

4.  Soft serve ice cream or hand dipped?

Hand dipped.
Strawberry Cheesecake in a sugar or waffle cone, please :)

5.  Are you allergic to anything?

Zomig and Imitrex (migraine medicines)

I hope you will all take the time to join in this week!!

Have a wonderful week.
