Monday, May 23, 2011

Meet Me on Monday....

Meet Me On Monday

Click here to join!!

1.  What is your favorite bagel flavor?

Blueberry :)

2.  If you had an extra $100 right now, what would you spend it on?

7 New shirts from

Here are two of the ones I would choose!!

Black Sequin TopAqua Green Beaded Top

3.  What is the last thing that you felt guilt about doing?

Not finishing paying my son's juvie fees,
it resulted in me sitting 30 days in the county jail.
I felt so guilty not being with my children.

4.  Soft serve ice cream or hand dipped?

Hand dipped.
Strawberry Cheesecake in a sugar or waffle cone, please :)

5.  Are you allergic to anything?

Zomig and Imitrex (migraine medicines)

I hope you will all take the time to join in this week!!

Have a wonderful week.



  1. Don't you love how blueberries turn everything purple? I do, I love purple :D

  2. Those are cute tops! Too bad I'm not thin like those models-they wouldn't look as good on me:( Guess I shouldn't eat so much ice cream!
